Know Everything About End Of Lease Of Pest Control Services

The end of the lease of pest control services is an important part of the consideration for both. Considering it’s important, it’s a very shocking thing that only the least people know about it. So, in this article, you need to know about the end of lease of pest control services. If really want to know about it properly, then, just keep reading this article.

End Of Lease Of Pest Control Services
End Of Lease Of Pest Control Services

What is the end of the lease of pest control services?

The end of lease of pest control services is one of the most important. Tenants will require when they will move or shift out from a rental property. Tenants will usually need these services for pest treatment by a pest control company before they leave the premises or hand the keys to the landlord or real estate agent. The reason behind this is that pest control is usually needed to be done at least once a year. They ensure that the property is not infested with pests. And that a new tenant can move in without any problem.

Why is the end of the lease of pest control services is important?

Being a rental, you must have an agreement of time to stay in the property right. Yes, so that’s your lease. And, if your lease is coming to an end, then, at that time you need to arrange pest control services. This end of lease of pest control services is one of the things which must be mentioned in your agreement. So, it is very necessary to look after that you check that after the end of the lease. It is going to arrange to get rid of fela from your house, you or the landlord. If it is your responsibility and you did not arrange pest control services, then there is a chance that you may lose your rental bond. And, if the pests have damaged your property, then, the consequences can be worse.

If there are property infestation with pests, then, no doubt new tenants will not be happy to live there. According to the guidelines of the government, it is mandatory to provide clean property to new tenants. So, the end of the lease of pest control services will ensure the safety of the property and new tenants can move in happily.

Being a landlord, you also should know that if your property infestation with pests, then, the market value of your property will also decrease which you will not like for sure. So, do make sure that you call a pest control service for pest treatment, before finding someone new to rent your property.

When should you have the end of lease of pest control treatment done?

The best time to arrange the end of lease of pest control treatment is when your lease is about to end. Are you ready to leave the property? At the end of the treatment, you will get a report. You need to show to your landlord, after that you are free to leave.


We hope that this article helped you a lot to get to know about the end of lease of pest control services. Whether you are a landlord or a tenant, the end of the lease of pest control services is very important. So give us a call at 0720 004 292 and we’ll provide you with the pest control services.